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Koroboro International School

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Assessment is central to our aim of catering for individual needs and helping students achieve their personal best. It helps teachers identify a point at which student performance begins to break down. The information gathered is used to adapt future learning programs and scaffold experiences to allow individuals to improve performance.

The measurement of student learning is divided into two parts, assessment and evaluation. When a teacher assesses a student, information is gathered about the students’ performance. When the teacher evaluates a student, judgments are made about the students’ progress using the information that has been gathered. Teachers at KoroBoro use many different strategies to gather information about the progress of their student, writing down observation of the students, conferences or discussions with the student, running records to monitor reading development and unit tests. A reliance on test, particularly in the early years, is not desirable. Teachers therefore use several methods of tracking student progress.


The students will be given HOME TASKS on a Monday and it should be returned completed on Friday. The students will be expected the record the home tasks in their school diary and plan their week to allow them to finish their home tasks in ample time before the deadline on Friday.

The Home tasks will mostly consist of the following basics; 

  • Spelling words
  • Tables
  • Spelling activities
  • Mathematics drill exercises and the completing of class work
  • Written tasks
  • Reading each night
  • Along with other integrated work across the Key Learning Areas (KLAs) that may be given to the students from time to time