Specialist Subjects
Physical Education
KoroBoro enjoys a strong tradition of sporting prowess. Specialist teachers teach the Physical Education component. Students throughout the school participate in the schedule Physical Education activities. Parents will be informed early in the year about PE days for their children. Students to wear full sports uniform on their day. The School also provides a number of opportunities for school based carnivals.
Students to represent their school in such sports as athletics, cross country and swimming, soccer and netball. Students representing KoroBoro should be dressed in the appropriate uniform and their behaviour, both on and off the field should be exemplary. The Physical Education Department manages sport activities at KoroBoro. Their role is to ensure that all students are given opportunities to participate and enjoy sport and physical activity at a range of skill levels.
Through Physical Education (PE), students learn about the complexities of physical movement and explore the skills associated with different areas of PE. They learn to understand what they can and cannot do physically and become aware of their own strengths and weaknesses in this discipline. Physical activity is an essential aspect of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle and learning through PE helps to build self-esteem, confidence, cooperation and fitness.
The students participate in weekly PE lessons taken by a specialist teacher. These lessons focus on gross motor, skill development, team work and physical fitness. Children participate in modified and rule based games and have the opportunity to participate in competitions against other schools.
Swimming and water safety are important aspects of a child’s development. All children from Years 1-6 participate in a swimming programme with qualified swim instructors. Kindergarten participate in a water confidence and familiarisation programme.
Aspects of Physical education
- Body control and spatial awareness
- Adventure challenge
- Athletics
- Movement to music
- Games
- Gymnastics
- Health-related activities
Creating and performing music provides opportunities for all KoroBoro students to explore and communicate thoughts and feelings. Music education enables our students to interact with sound, creating order through the integration of the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. Through the study of Music, KoroBoro students develop the skills and techniques required to manipulate sounds in a variety of ways.
Students explore the sounds they make themselves with and without instruments and the sounds which are produced within the environment. They investigate and develop systems of notation and work together in holistic ways to produce satisfying performances. Music has important social purposes for investigation. Through our specialist music programme and with our specialist music staff, KoroBoro students develop skills in rhythm, composition, harmony and musical performance.
Movement is fundamental to human learning, and dance is a language of movement which helps to develop this way of learning. Through the study of dance, students at KoroBoro explore the movement concepts of space, time energy as they discover the body’s movement potential.
Aspects of Drama
- Creative exploration and expression
- Technical incorporation
- Performance
- Personal and social development
- Reflection and evaluation
- Drama in society
They use creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and group processes to create movement sequences.
Information Technology
Technology is concerned with solving human problems, meeting needs and improving lives. In the twentieth century there have been greater technological changes than at any other time in history, and the pace of this change seems to be increasing.
We live increasingly in man-made environments. Considering the all-pervading impact of this rapidly developing technology, it is vital that our students develop a wide range of technological understanding.
Technology education provides a chance to apply learning from a number of other curriculum areas. It is highly integrated and allows students to use a combination of both intellectual and practical skills and knowledge. Because of this integration, technology education has considerable vocational value.
Visual Arts
At KoroBoro, the Specialist Visual arts program provides a fundamental form of communication which transcends the need for spoken language and allows a depth of emotion often unavailable in the other communication forms. It is taught by a Specialist Teacher.
Through study, students explore techniques and develop skills in the creation of two and three dimensional art works in a variety of contexts. Using these skills, students move towards a more complete expression of self. Visual arts include, among others, painting, drawing, weaving, carving, printing, sculpting and photography.